Saturday, August 3, 2013


Genre-melding is an easy way to justify slapping the word "unique" onto your advertisements.  So many beat'em ups and rhythm games have been made that it's difficult to add anything new to either of those genres, much like there have been so many ways to prepare chicken and milkshakes separately over the years that easiest way to make your own unique milkshake would be to throw bits of chicken into it, if you catch my drift.  Now, ask yourself, does that sound like a milkshake you would want to drink?

Actually, I have a tough time classifying Resonance as a beat'em up, because even though the game has you punch and blast your way through hoards of enemies that could not have more blatantly ripped off the heartless from Kingdom Hearts (another beat'em up game thinly disguised as a different genre), the way you do that is by playing very quick games of Guitar Hero, so that ends up becoming the extent of what the game is to you: a series of 3-second guitar riffs that you try to play in time.  Needless to say, it can get quite repetitive quite fast.

The game tries to spice things up by throwing in some enemies that keep their distance while others swarm you, meaning you'll have to adjust your attacks every now and again to adapt to the kind of enemies you face, but doing so in any meaningful capacity just causes such sensory overload that it becomes frustrating.  Luckily, you have enough health to tank a few hits while you figure out the best plan of attack, if you so choose, but that was a pretty sloppy way to remedy the problem because since you have so much health, taking hits is almost unnoticeable, reducing the game even further to just a succession of Guitar Hero riffs.

Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of genre-melding, because the juxtaposition of two types of gameplay allow for an easier and more effective analysis of each mechanic, and that's not just from the critic's standpoint.  Even the average player can see which elements work and which don't much clearer through the lens of that glorious juxtaposition.  However, just throwing two diverse things into a blender doesn't mean the end product is going to be any good.  I had fun with Resonance, but not because of how its mechanics play off each other. I had fun with it because of the beautiful game feel.  Hitting enemies is rewarding due to the high amount of damage displayed by stringing together combos, everything is nice and colorful, etc.

I'll admit that I was a bit too harsh on this game.  It's good, seriously, it is.  It's just not the kind of good that I like, if that makes any sense.  I like games that make me think, games that make me feel, games that challenge both my mind and my reflexes.  I value depth more than I value sensory stimulation, and this game favors the latter over the former.  Does that make it bad?  Absolutely not.  It just isn't going to rank too highly on any of my personal Top # lists.

That's all I got for now.  Until next time, stay rockin'

Let's Go, Soul Resonance! Huwaaaah!:

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