Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Lunaris is a pleasant game to say the least...most of the time.

First, let's talk aesthetics.  The character and environment designs are nice and calming with their warm blue and green tones.  The grass conforms to your character's shape as you trod upon it and it all just looks pretty with the exception of one thing.  There's this annoying film-grain filter kind of like the one in Mass Effect except infinitely more annoying and non-removable.

I will say that this is one of the few games on the list that was actually able to make me laugh out loud.  When you run into spikes, your character just kind of explodes with nothing more than a squishing sound and the camera hangs on your lifeless pile of goop just long enough for the effect to be hilarious.  It also provides juuuuuust the right amount of punishment for dying.

But we all know that it's all about the gameplay at heart, right?  Well let me say that at its core, there is nothing wrong with this game's feel.  Every mechanic is tight and intuitive and the sense of flow is very noticeable.

The real problem I have with this game is that it gets too repetitive.  The levels are very numerous and very, very samey.  This wouldn't be a problem if I could access some sort of level select, but what do you know?  We're back to the very first thing I ever complained about since January 1st of this year.  There's no damn level select, and there's no...damn...SAVE FEATURE!  A game with levels this repetitive has no right to demand that I beat it all in one go.

That's all I got for now.  Until next time, stay patient

Loons are us: