Monday, March 4, 2013



I could see possibly liking this game if I had a lot more patience than I do.  Unfortunately, even if I weren't on a ridiculously tight schedule, I wouldnt have the patience to put up with Dig-n-Rig.

The whole game is about digging through the earth to find elements or something...see, that's the first problem.  It's never really adequately explained why you're digging and rigging in the first place.  This is just one of the many reasons this game is so unimmersive.  It handles narrative very poorly.

before I get caught up in all the flaws this game has, let me run down some stuff that I didn't mind.  The aesthetic has that "new-age NES" feel to it.  You know the kind, where the pixels are still gigantic and the sound is composed of chiptunes but it's clear that those are stylistic choices rather than technological barriers?  Yeah...that.

The game feel is actually not bad until you hit rock.  Until then, you can just kind of gleefully glide through the dirt and collect resources, but once you get to the tougher rock, the game suddenly takes a hit right in the pacing, and the game feel suffers.

The conveyance in this game is also a load of crap on a cracker.  Somehow, you're supposed to infer that you need to vacuum up the minerals you dig up with the "v" key and take them back to a conveyor belt with the "x" key.  This wasn't even explained in the preposterous all-text exposition dump at the beginning.

all-in-all, play this game if you want something really dull and repetitive to turn your brain to jelly for a bit.  Otherwise, pass.

whistle while you work:


Hey guys.  I'm going to be moving pretty fast for the next couple of reviews because there's a certain game that I want to review on Wednesday.  Oh Dean, you and your wily ways

anyways, Descension is a boss fight that reminds me a lot of Space Deadbeef on the ground.  For all 100% of you who don't know what Space Deadbeef is, here's a supplementary summary:

Ooh, look!  A giant mechanical dragon that outguns you in every sense of the word and wants you dead.  Here's a pea shooter, some powerups and a series of platforms.  Have fun, sport!

The controls are fluid and every death typically seems like your fault, so the game is solid in that respect.  Can't complain about the graphics or the aesthetic.  It goes for that whole "neon dystopia" look, which I rather like.  The experience is fun and tense till the very end, which will probably come sooner rather than later because the dragon is so hard to kill.

All-in-all, this game is kind of rudimentary.  Nothing really stands out that makes this game a learning experience or a revolution in the medium, but it's just a fun way to pass a few minutes.  Check it out if you're bored and looking for some pretty lights to occupy you for a few moments.

Until next time, stay shiny

whoosh bang kapow pew pew: