Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A Series of Tubes

Oh God...oh God it hurts...

there are just no words.  Play the game.  Please, take 5 minutes to play the game and see for yourself how frantic this game can truly be.

There is no such thing as acceleration in this game.  You take off faster than the speed of light and come to a complete stop the second a lava globule hits you.  If you drive over a boost, may God have mercy on your soul.

I just...I just can't.  I know it's kind of pathetic for me to break so easily but I just...can't!

If either of my fans out there wants me to go into more detail, I will.  Honestly, though, this game speaks for itself.  As for now, I'm drained and I need to go pick up my sister from the airport.

Experience for yourself A Series of Tubes, but be warned: you may never be the same again.

A Series of Mindrapes: