Sunday, June 9, 2013

Night Light Heights

Night Light Heights is definitely a candidate for shortest game on this list with a grand total of one level about 2 minutes long.  That's not a bad thing, mind, it means it doesn't overstay its welcome, but its hard to make a genuinely interesting game mechanic last for only 2 minutes.

In this game, that's because there is no interesting game mechanic.  It's Simon Says. You change your avatar's color with WASD; when you're about to hit a red bumper, switch to red.  When you're about to hit a blue bumper, switch to blue.  That's it.

This is just an uninteresting game with enough bright lights and pretty sounds to hold your attention for the game's incredibly short duration.  I guess you have no reason not to check it out, but there's definitely no pressure.

Until next time, stay mimetic
