Monday, February 11, 2013

Chroma Clash

Wook a da pweety cowors!!

Alright, so here's the low-down on Chroma Clash.  the goal of the game is to fill the map with more of your color than any other color.  You spread your color by driving over non-colored or differently colored areas, dropping your color like a bad case of herpes at a drunken college party.  In addition, you can sneeze little globs of your color by pressing space.  These globules are useful not only for coloring the land but also for taking over cannons, which will then shoot larger globules of your color.  Finally, there are powerups for you to collect.  These powerups will generally either give you a permanent speed boost or drastically overpower your weapon for a short time.

Everyone is on an equal playing field in this game, so balance isn't an issue.  The game feel is good for the most part (with the exception of trying to traverse up hills, which gives you that horrible feeling of "not gonna make it") and it's cheerfully fun to watch the drab environment fill up with bright pastels as you gleefully race around.

It's a very simple game, so this will be a very simple review.  There's nothing really wrong with it, at least not wrong enough to annoy me, so I guess I recommend this game.  Though, a game needs to have more than one mode of this kind of simplicity before it gets my seal of approval.

Give it a shot.  It's fun, but we're still a while away from stumbling upon that gaming revolution that so filled my heart with hope when I uncovered this list

Until next time, stay colorful

Probably a great game to play drunk: