Wednesday, May 15, 2013


God help me, I love puzzle games.  After all, after a long day at school straining my mind for 11 hours straight and then coming home and squeezing some last precious drops of intelligence out to get my homework done, all I want to do is sit down in front of the computer and put my brain under some more stress.

I'm kidding, of course.  I have nothing against puzzle games, especially if they're good.  My girlfriend and I have spent hours playing that Tilt board game.  Actually, iQ is quite similar to that game. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, lemme explain the mechanics of iQ.  You push and pull blocks onto buttons using the force to advance to the next level.  It's quite fun and it does everything it needs to.

See, this is my least favorite game to review because it's so simple that I've already said everything there is to say about it.  It has all the makings for a perfect puzzle game that you'd expect to see on the app store or something. Based on that, I kind of have to grudgingly give it my seal of approval.  I say grudgingly because this game didn't leave me with any kind of take away.  It happened.  I genuinely can't think of a flaw, though, so I guess iQ wins this round.

That's all I got for now.  Until next time, stay smartical.

eye que: