Thursday, March 21, 2013

Exalted War

Man oh man I have no energy today.  I need a nice, simple game that I can turn my brain off to...

Exalted War is just that.  It's about as simple an isometric shooter can get, and I'm sorry to say that it's isometric viewpoint is pretty much the only outstanding feature.  Other than that it's a lackluster shooter that reminds me of playing the Tanks minigame on Wii Play.

The visual style, sound direction and game feel are all very average.  Well, maybe not so much the game feel.  That's a bit frustrating.

Most of the frustration comes from the fact that your character moves too damn slow.  It can really break up the flow of a game when it takes you longer to find the next enemy than it does to go to a bar and make an enemy.

Tortuously bad analogies aside, I do find the confrontations with the enemies to be quite engaging.  The combination of the isometric view and the control scheme makes for some really intense firefights that require a mastery of the simple mechanics to get past.

As I said before, this game is lackluster.  Find enemy, kill enemy, that's it.  That doesn't necessarily make the game bad, but I get the feeling that the creators knew how formulaic it was, which is why they added weapon powerups, but then decided not to fix it, which is why they never implement the powerups.  Now, to be fair, I only got up to level 2 for various reasons, so maybe they were trying to ease the player into learning the mechanics before hitting them with the more complex stuff, but I still feel like the levels I played weren't designed particularly well.  The wall and enemy placement seems random, and the fights, while fun for their challenge, are formulaic.

Eh, that's all I got for now.  I'm gonna go take a nap.  Until next time, stay sharp, Tex.

red circle splosions: