Friday, April 12, 2013


Alright, I admit I got a little heated in my last post.  Certain aspects of game design just get me kind of...emotional.  But I've cooled down now.  I'm ready to take on the next challenge.

Much to my relief GenJox is an IGF student showcase finalist from the grand ol' year of 2001.  Now, being an IGF finalist is by no means an instant indicator of quality (or even functionality if Commando Attack Sub is any indication), but it guarantees that at least one person playtested it...right?

well, yes.  I would wager that multiple people playtested this one.  The learning curve is a little too steep too fast, but once you get the hang of it, it's really fun.

It's your standard top-down bot vs bot deathmatch ordeal.  you glide around the map, pick up weapons, use said weapons on other bots, profit.  I honestly don't have much praise or criticism to offer, so I'm just going to comment on a few things that interested me.

First off, I don't think this game keeps score.  It just seems to be an endless deathmatch (unless of course you play last man standing).  It goes to show what this game is trying to be: a stress reliever.  In that respect, it passes with flying colors.  Since there's really no consequence for dying, you can just charge into battle carefree.  That's not a positive quality in and of itself, but it's certainly great for catharsis.

uhm....yeah.  That's it, really.  It's a good stress reliever.  I had fun with it, so yeah.  Go nuts.  Good job, DigiPen.


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