Saturday, February 16, 2013

Comrade Ivan's Kannonwagens

Oopsie daisy

this game requires windows XP to run.  Since I'm running win7 Home Premium, I can't run winXP programs.  The only computer I have at my disposal that runs XP is my old Dell XPS, but that dinosaur needs a new motherboard, which I'm not gonna co out and buy just so I can run Comrade Ivan's Kannonwagens.

Sorry, folks.  This one's broken for me.  But hey, if any of you out there use XP and want to tell me your thoughts on this game, I'd love to hear them.


who-ee I cannot believe I forgot about compatibility mode.  Thanks for the tip, Yose.

Alright, let's get the real review going.

I agree with Yose that the game gets stale after about a minute of play, but there have certainly been worse games on this list. If you can imagine Battle Ball Brawl, minus the cool jumping mechanics, combined with the steering mechanics of Cease Fire 20somethingorother, then you can pretty much imagine Comrade Ivan's Kannonwagens. 

The movement is sluggish and slippery.  The landscape is very hilly, so prepare to fight gravity and fight it hard.  On top of that, you move so unbearably slow that you may as well be occupying stationary guns instead of tanks.  The aiming is not bad, but at times it feels very unreliable.  If you're even a centimeter off from your target, it ain't going down.  Combine that with the fact that the targeting reticle only gives you a basic idea of where you're aiming and the result is unsatisfying.

The biggest problem I have with this game is just how barren the landscape is.  I think they only give you one enemy tank at a time to shoot at, which is a real problem in maps this big.  The tanks are tough to kill as it is because you die just as easily as they do.  In the first mission, you're expected to kill ten of them.  This might not be so bad if the map was full of tanks, but I spend way more time finding the tanks than I do killing them.  This feels less like a third person competitive shooter and more like spawning yourself in the middle of a field in Garry's Mod with nothing to do and just kinda walking around for a bit.  It isn't fun.  You have to fill the map up with interesting stuff in Garry's Mod before you start walking around the world you make.

Long story short: This game has competent controls, but sloppy movement and desolate maps make it a droning experience

Until next time, remember to google your problems before giving up


  1. Hey Dean, I got it to work using the compatibility mode. Right click the icon and click properties, then go to the compatibility tab. Check the "Run this program in compatibility mode" box, and choose XP. Worked on Windows 8, and it's a useful trick if you get that problem in the future.

    That being said, I only played for a minute and quit, didn't like it.
