Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Beluxed Defense

You know what, guys?  I'm just pooped.  Straight up pooped.

I just got home at 7:00pm with an assload and a half of work bearing down upon me, not to mention a math test to study for.  I hope you guys appreciate me coming out here and spewing words at your face parts...

Well anyway, I was kind of looking forward to Beluxed Defense because it advertised itself as a "humorous" game, which is just what I need to distract myself from my inevitable demise.  Apparently, though, my blinky lights machine that I blew half my savings on doesn't have pixel shader 3.0 technology (which is bs, by the way.  I checked and it does) so I can't run Beluxed Defense.

All the better for me.  Now I get to say nothing and still feel good about myself for posting.

I wish I had the time to be witty, but I've already blown more time than I should have writing this.  Maybe when it's midnight and I'm burned out but still too high on caffeine to sleep I'll come back and drunkenly reveal some deep, personal secrets.  Don't count on that, though.  I'll probably just pass out.

Until next time, stop procrastinating (unless you procrastinate by reading my reviews...then it's ok).

maybe you have pixel shader 3.0:


  1. The Technical Director of Beluxed Defense (Lat) just had his Kickstarter project funded.
    Maybe you can put your exhausted mind to good use by throwing trucks around! ;)
