hmm...a 2-D adventure starring an interplanetary mining robot with an "-n-" in the title...something about this seems unoriginal...
Yep, this game is brought to us by two of the people on the Dig-n-Rig team (plus one new member, who ostensibly decided to get rid of that horribly pretentious pixel art style). Will Invade-n-Raid be as confusing and unrewarding as its predecessor? Let's find out.
This game is actually relatively simple and, best of all, unique. Go figure, right? In order to dig for minerals, you have to burrow into a planet, which, instead of just being boring and giving you the elements, puts you in a quick Astrobunny-esque collection mechanic, which I find to be a huge improvement. Getting minerals actually feels rewarding and fun now. Combat is a fun mechanic as well. Madly tapping the "E" button to eliminate certain enemies is immensely satisfying. Getting hit by other enemies because you didn't know they were invulnerable to your attack, on the other hand, is not.
Other than that, the only problem I had was that figuring out which way gravity points is a little confusing. You know that feeling in a Sonic The Hedgehog game (especially the 3D ones) where you're pressing one direction to build up momentum but then you enter a loop or a turn or something and you don't quite know whether to keep holding that direction or to switch to wherever you're facing now? Ugh, that could have been worded better but you know what I'm talking about. That is this game in a nutshell.
That's all I got for now. Until next time, stay stellar
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