Friday, May 17, 2013

Ivar's Adieu

Another day, another review.

on a scale of none to none, I'm feeling really uncreative right now, so let's just run down the good ol' list, shall we?

Ivar's Adieu is a unique, 2-level platformer-type thingy.  Both of the levels are designed like 2D versions of Super Mario Galaxy planets in that you always gravitate toward the center.  To traverse, you use a hookshot type thing.  That makes me think: what's with it with all the swinging mechanics lately?  Ever since Froggle, which pulled off swinging mechanics like a champ, game after game has been using swinging as one of, if not the main method of transportation.  Well, more on that later.

Visual Style!
Nothing wrong with the art direction, but I do wish the first level were zoomed out a bit more.  It's good that I get a nice, big, clear view of every sprite with the camera zoomed in so much, but almost every time I merrily swing around looking for my objectives, I get blindsided by some enemy projectile just out of my FOV.  At least have the camera shift a bit when I build up a decent velocity, dang...

Sound Direction!
All I have to say here is that I wish there were more than one song in this game's soundtrack.

Of all the 2D games I've played recently that try to make swinging the main method of transportation, this game comes the closest to pulling it off perfectly.  However, it's still very glitchy.  Sometimes, a platform will act like a slingshot and send you flying in the direction opposite to where you want to go.  The hookshot can also be used for combat, and I gotta say, I love it when games use motions like swiping your mouse (or touchpad, in my case) for combat.  Very visceral.  Very fun.  This the combat in this game is like Chain of Command but better.  I just wish Ivar didn't have such a placid and kind voice, because when I hookshot an innocent penguin and catapult him into his friend so that they both go tumbling to their deaths, I like to imagine I'm a hardened warrior rather than a kindergarten teacher.

This game was fun and unique.  Other than sporadic glitchiness, I can't really find a fault with it.  It's a neat, contained experience that doesn't take more than 10 minutes.  Try it out for yourself.  I don't think you'll be disappointed.  This game gets my seal of approval.

That's all I got for now.  Until next time, stay salty

I'm versed in poo: