Friday, April 26, 2013

Gridiron Tactics

Usually when I give a really short review of a game, it's because I genuinely didn't finds it interesting and didn't spend much time with it.  This is not the case with Gridiron Tactics, which actually held my interest for quite some time...30 minutes to be exact.  It's appealing in all aspects: visually, mechanically, and otherwise.  The fact is that I'm very tired and sick, so I just don't feel up to analyzing the game like I normally do.

I will say this, though.  There is one thing about Gridiron Tactics that turned it into "just another game on the list."  I'm going to go ahead and spit some more game knowledge that I got from Extra Credits and use the term "first order optimal (or FOO) strategies."  In a nutshell, FOO strategies are tactics that require little skill but offer great reward.  They can be very useful when they let a new player feel comfortable stepping up to the challenge of a game (see also: the noob tube or hundred-hand slap...yeah, I know, the Extra Credits guys already talked about this...I'm so original), but in Gridiron Tactics, using one simple strategy will hand you a victory every time.  I'm not going to say what that strategy is in case anyone out there wants to try this game and figure it out for themselves, but I will say that the strategy gives the game a very unappealing difficulty curve that looks something like this:
^                         ^                                ^
start         strategy is learned                  end

That's all I got for now.  Until next time, stay tactical

One and Only Gridiron Tactic:
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