Tuesday, June 18, 2013

OMG! Real Zombies!

This is another one of those games that needed a lot of tweaking, but had a decent premise.  Actually, I'm starting to sound like a broken record at this point, so I'm not going to waste your time.  I'm just going to tell you what's unique to this game.

First, the camera is out of control.  Seriously, you can't move your aiming reticle at all without the camera having a conniption fit.  Needs work.

Second, give me checkpoints.  Oh please give me checkpoints.  This game can get really unforgiving when the zombies accumulate, so expecting me to be able to clear the whole thing without assistance is just cruel.

Also, why do my bullets drop off so much.  Is this a gun or a slingshot?

Yeah, there are some goop parts of the game too.  I like how you need to mash "A" and "D" to break free of zombies but the game never feels the need to tell you that, it just trusts your gamer intuition.  I think the levels are designed pretty well and the jetpack mechanic is a barrel of fun.

Overall...eh, s'good.  Sorry for being boring today, but I can only work with what I have.  Plus I'm just not feeling creative today.  Oh well.  Until next time, stay alive.

LOLZOMBS: https://www.digipen.edu/?id=1170&proj=472