Tuesday, February 5, 2013


I almost forgot about you guys today!  Let's just say it's another busy week, so don't look forward to any more review binges till at least the start of Winter Break.

Anyways, let's talk Bump.

It's a charming little bumper cars/capture the flag kind of game.  The basic premise is that you have to collect starballs and get them into your goal before the other team (and by that I mean every NPC) gets them in theirs.

The main problem with this game is that it functions in pretty much the opposite way as Buggy X.  Whereas that game gave you too much control over your momentum, this game doesn't give you enough.  The booster doesn't work in midair, meaning if you're sent flying because some numbskull careened into you, there's nothing you can do to get back on the stage.  You just have to wait and watch your demise.  In addition, the movement is just too slippery.  This is extra frustrating when you have to navigate sharp turns.  So many times I would be carefully proceeding on until either I slipped off the side (and had no way to fix my situation) or was bumped into by an enemy and sent flying.

In a word, this is infuriating.

Other than that, though, the aesthetic is charming and the game feel isn't as broken as one might expect from a game with the control issues I mentioned above.

It's still a far way from getting my seal of approval because of it's slippery control, but if you can turn your brain off for a bit and laugh your way through the bugs, you might have a fun time.

Bumper cars with balls that are stars: https://www.digipen.edu/?id=1170&proj=1476