Sunday, May 12, 2013


short review today, guys.  Insert flimsy excuse here.

Insecticide is my new defensive evidence to show to anyone who accuses me of giving FPS games a free ride just because shooters happen to be my favorite genre.  Don't get me wrong, the gameplay isn't as bad as Echo's was, but I still can't recommend it.

First off, let's talk level design.  The game starts you off in an area with only common SMGs, pistols, and some weird flying centipede type things along with their spawners.  Naturally, as a gamer, your first instinct is to wreck shop.  So you fire upon the spawners, since they're the only things that don't move or try to kill you, only to find that their health bars are way too big.  Killing things, at first, is boring, but it's almost stimulating.  Less ridiculous movement patterns, health bars, aim assist...all of these things would have been useful here.

So then, you go and explore the vast, open landscape until you come across what I call the "fun zone."  Here, there are rocket launchers and swarms of wasps galore to keep your interest.  I like how the game gradually leads you into the intense action, but the beginning stages needed some polish.

Speaking of polish, what happened with those centipede enemy things?  The wasps, houses, ground and hilariously named taxi cab all have at least a little bit of detail to them, so why not the first enemies you see?  Maybe they were following the method of making the player explore to get the good stuff, but I don't know. It still seems a bit unrefined.

That's a good word for this game in general.  It's unrefined.  That doesn't mean it's not good and it certainly doesn't mean it has a shaky foundation, but it does mean I can't quite recommend it just yet.

That's all I got for now.  Until next time, stay swarmin'

Inspect Inside:

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