What's with all the bacon-themed games? One of them was a barely passable 3D destrocto-physics playset and the other straight up didnt work. Maybe this one will break the bacon trend and actually be a fun enough game to warrant such delicious theming.
It's definitely the most fun of the three bacon games I've "played" so far but that's not saying much. It's still frustrating and monotonous.
Pretty much all you do is fly around on a pig stabbing other pigs that fly much faster than you. Sounds revolutionary, eh?
The biggest problem this game has by far is the hit detection. It seems completely arbitrary. Whether I fly directly into an enemy pig from the perfect angle or I just happen to bump into someone while trying to adjust to the awkward control, the outcome seems to be the same: completely random. This turns what could have been a strategic game that makes your brain run a million calculations a second for an intense and faced-paced experience into bumper cars.
The graphical style is fine. Nothing to complain about. it's just a bunch of 2d sprites flying around on a screen.
The music...ugh the music. I'm fine with looping a track to infinity and beyond as long as it meets 2 criteria:
1) it has to be fun to listen to. Bacon Pirates in Space fails on this front.
2) it has to be more than 2 seconds long! The 2 second piece could be the most beautiful thing ever to grace humankind but that won't mean much if you get tired of it after 10 seconds of gameplay. Combine this with the fact that BPiS uses music loops that aren't even particularly good and you have one miserable experience.
As previously mentioned, the control is awkward as hell. Elevation is a key aspect of the game. How do you elevate yourself? Repeatedly tapping the space button. Trust me, it's nothing like controlling Kirby or Pit in Super Smash Bros. Those characters actually respond to one hit of a button. Your little flying piggy in BPiS on the other hand will only raise his fat behind off the ground after a straight second or two of vigorous button mashing. It's not visceral. it's not intuitive. It's annoying.
Another problem is that there are way too many enemies per screen. It's manageable when an enemy ship boards yours, but during what I assume are the main levels, you wont be able to progress until you've monotonously murdered multicolored pigs for about 15 minutes.
Don't bother with this game. Trust me, it's not worth your time. If you want to play it anyways, be my guest. Until next time. Stay smelly.
PS - hey, at least it has a save feature