Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Well, if there's ever been a description that's gotten my psyched to play a game, it's this one.  It must have taken a really long time to create a game that exists in dimensions human beings can't even perceive!  Yes, that's right, this game markets itself as "four-dimensional," which of course is game jargon for some kind of gimmick that I'm not familiar with.  Regardless, I was stoked to boot this one up, but then...

dun dun...dun dun...


Why is it that all of the most interesting sounding games are completely unobtainable?  Hot damn, I tried everything to find a working copy of this game, but I'm convinced that such a thing does not exist.  I even googled Logan Starkenburg, one of the creators of this game, to find a personal webpage that he may have hosted a mirror on, like what happened with Crazy Cross, but all I found was the IMDB page for an extra from Terminator: Salvation.  Could they be the same person?  Who knows...regardless, I'm getting real sick of this false advertising, Digipen!


So I was going to blog today, but then I got gang raped by school work.  It happens.

I might not be able to blog tomorrow either.  The weekend's not looking too bright, either, but I'll get content out.

And then there's next week...
