the past 2 days have been really hectic between school and my sister's birthday, so I haven't been able to post reviews. I know I'm behind schedule and I'm going to try my absolute best to fix it (which will probably mean a glut of 2-sentence reviews tomorrow, but maybe not so don't hold your breath). Stick with me, though.
Sorry again. I've still got 3 months to finish off the list, and I'm on page 8 of 10 in the gallery; this is before, of course, I go back and try to get all the games I missed due to their screwy release timing, but I still think I can pull it off.
Until next time
PS- to whoever has been +1ing all my reviews as of late...thanks. It really means a lot. I hope in a past life we were bros who would hunt warthogs together for sustenance and sport...Sorry, I'm tired. I should go to bed now...