Sorry guys, today is an off day. My interwubs are slow, drivers ed kept me away from me work for a million hours and, speaking of work...yeah. Not a fun time.
It's really a shame because I really want to give Avenger its due. It's not the best game on the list so far...not by a long shot...but it's still really fun and does a lot of things right. Alas, since it's already 9:16 and I have a mountain of work to get to, I'm just going to rattle off the pros and cons.
- variety of gameplay styles from agile mech suit, land racer, and heavy mech suit. My favorite is the agile mech suit, which is good because 3 out of the 5 missions utilize it
- solid control with the agile mech suit and land racer. Even though the agile mech suit is a tad slippery and reacts to the mouse WAY too much, it's still controllable and can suck you right into the experience like you're marrow in the bones of a veal shank.
- graphics are appealing, though they kind of remind me of that fever dream I had that one time in sixth grade when my temperature broke 105...also, they made my computer (which was built with alien technology) heat up without lagging out, so at least it makes me feel like my purchase was justified.
- sound direction is competent. SFX clue the player in when appropriate and the music is fun to listen to and fits the mood.
- story is well done for a game of this length (~45 minutes). FATE reminds me of Icarus from Deus Ex, which is good because I think Icarus is the most well crafted character in the entirety of narrative media.
- not really a selling point but I think it's cool that this game had a team of only 2 people.
- ugh dat voice acting. I have a deeper voice than the imposing military general and I'm a shrill, barely-pubescent high-schooler.
- as previously mentioned, the agile mech is slippery. Its long-range attack is just a lunging melee attack, but it acts like a spoiled toddler in that it only works when it wants to. In addition, the heavy mech is just downright boring. You're equipped with a nuke that wipes out any potential threats faster than you can say kapow. Then you just have to slllloooowwwwllllyyyy walk to your objective. Snore!
- some of the primary functions of the game can only be used by pressing the middle mouse button, meaning if you dont have a mouse, your gameplay experience will be affected greatly.
and that's pretty much it. Overall, Avenger is a good game with lots of potential. I bet if the guys who made this had some coin backing them up for a new project, they could turn out something great. I dare say this hypothetical product might even be revolutionary
Stay classy, internet.
pretty colors: https://www.digipen.edu/?id=1170&proj=11754