Tuesday, April 9, 2013


reeeally short review today, guys.  It's not like today's game is all too substantial, anyways.

In this game, you hold the left arrow key, mash "x" and "c" and you win.  Simple as that.

Fuzure is your basic minimalistic hack 'em up.  Great for spectacle and the game feel is damn amazing at certain parts.  I'm going to guess the main goal of this game was to deliver a satisfying and empowering experience.  In that respect, it succeeds.  At least, it would succeed were it not for two annoying flaws.

First off, the game provides you a method of moving quickly through the levels (jumping speed is far higher than walking speed).  Therefore, all gamer sensibility would lead you to jump merrily throughout the level, killing all who dare oppose you.  The problem with that is that moving quickly makes it easy to completely skip over an enemy.  This would be fine if the levels were glorified races to the finish.  That way, the player would have the choice of trying to dodge enemies as they accumulate or plowing through them to clear a path, possibly soaking up damage along the way.  Bam, one simple tweak delivers an experience twice as deep, if not moreso.

The second problem is that the enemies are kinda glitchy.  The first time I played, I got through every enemy in the first level and was met with a brick wall.  Unbeknownst to me, an enemy had lodged itself within the architecture of the level, making it impossible to kill.  Thus, the game was broken.

Other than that, the game is very simplistic.  I think those two tweaks would have made for a solid foundation for a very entertaining game, certainly one worthy of my seal of approval.  Because of those flaws, however, it falls just short.

That's all I got for now.  Until next time, stay frantic.

happy killtimes: https://www.digipen.edu/?id=1170&proj=570