Well, would you look who it is? Why it's good ol' Andrew Nack, the solo game designer who brought us Ethereal, Fate, and Gloom. But what's this? This time, he's not alone. Let's see what happens when a hitherto stag game designer teams up with a few other bright young minds...
Well first off, this game is presented very nicely. It uses the same colors as all those neon-light style games that I was complaining about a little while ago, but doesn't feel the need to make them garish. You can tell this was handled by an artist and not just a guy who saw which colors looked nicest when put together.
The thing that really characterizes this game for me is that it feels awesome to win but absolutely woeful to lose. The playstyle is similar to the hacking minigame in Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Click here, then there, then watch and hope the screen fills up with blue faster than it does red. It doesn't make you feel in control, so losing is incredibly frustrating. Plus, the frantic pace of the game means there is little to no room for experimentation, so playing seems less like outwitting the computer and more like searching for the one right answer that was thought up for you to use beforehand.
All-in-all, it's pretty but not terribly engaging. It's worth checking out if you're bored, but there's nothing in particular that I'm dying for you all to see.
That's all I got for now. Until next time, stay shiny
Not the website for old people with bad neurons: https://www.digipen.edu/?id=1170&proj=25896