Thursday, December 12, 2013

Zombie Hut and Zombie Pancake Attack

Well, look what we have here.  What better way to end the alphabet than with two zombie shooters?  Well, I can think of a few...don't get me wrong, I'm grateful that the DigiPen gods have taken pity on my poor, tired soul with two entertaining yet insubstantial romps through pewpew town, it's just that having my review of two separate games inevitably take less than a page doesn't do much for my self esteem.  Oh well, we play the cards we're dealt.

Zombie Hut is the one that I really don't have much to say about.  It's a standard top-down zombie shooter wherein you have to deliver 30 (I think) pizzas before they get cold, all the while dodging and shooting impatient zombies who want their hapless delivery boy in 30 minutes or less.  Apart from your gun, you are armed only with medkits, grenades, and energy drinks which make you go faster, all of which are scattered about the level.  

While the grenade is kind of fun to use, it's not nearly as effective as your gun, which tears through zombies like the guillotine of Hephaestus through butter.  The medkits are standard, though you'll never need to use them if you just make an effort to pass by the hospital when your health gets low.  The only truly useful item is the energy drink, without which you might as well just sprinkle pepperoni on yourself and lie in wait of your inevitable demise.  With the energy drink in hand, though, the game becomes almost insultingly easy.  The only real threat is if you play like a fool and run yourself into a dead end, but even if that happens, you will probably have such a stockpile of grenades, bullets, and medkits that any number of zombies will crumble before your might like ants in a typhoon.

Ok, so maybe I had more to say about that game than I thought...regardless, whatever feelings my intro "paragraph" conveyed are probably similar to the ones you'll feel after playing Zombie Hut.  Not wholly satisfied, but still entertained.

Now then, let's get to Zombie Pancake Attack.  If this game had a marketing department, every member in it would deserve to be hunted down and sentenced to a hundred years of exile.  The game advertises itself as a "tower defense" game, and the little thumbnail thing makes it look like it was thrown together in an hour by a dude who has an elementary knowledge of C++ and MSPaint.

Despite the horrible job this game did at selling itself to me, I was actually very entertained by Zombie Pancake Attack.  Calling this game "tower defense" is like calling The Godfather an "Italian family drama."  Yeah, I guess that's technically accurate, but it's a severe undersell.  The only tower you're defending is yourself (and I guess the occasional townsperson), but you don't defend them by erecting automated turrets that fire at nauseatingly infrequent fixed intervals, you just shoot things!

You have two guns, a syrup gun and a plate gun.  You first have to douse your pancake adversaries in syrup, and then you can shoot a plate at them to teleport them into oblivion.  This is probably where the game derives its "strategy" name, but really all it boils down to is holding both the right and left mouse buttons and pointing at whatever you want to go away.

The game has three regular levels and two boss levels.  The differences in kinda among the three levels keep the game as engaging as shooting pancakes can be.  Yeah, the visual style is a little bland, but I find it at least charming, and it never took me out of the experience.  The sound direction is spot on, and the gameplay is solid.  My only real critique is that the game was as thought-provoking as it was challenging.  That is to say, not at all.  The only time I felt challenged was during the final boss, and that's just because I forgot I could move with A and D and was tanking unnecessary damage for the first half of the fight.

And that's it.  Just like that, I can say I've powered through the DigiPen Game Gallery A-Z.  Of course, you all know that my work is far from over.  For some reason, there are still a few games out of alphabetical order after this, and then I want to go back and retry all the games that were added over the course of this year.  It's going to be a fun couple of weeks, ain't it...

That's all I got for today.  Until next time, stay delicious


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