Saturday, December 7, 2013

Wub Wub Racer Magic and Wyrm (kinda)

Wub Wub Racer Magic is beautiful in its simplicity.  You know that weird Japanese game show?  No, not that one, the other one.  The Human Tetris thing? Well, it's basically that, but with spaceships.  You fly a ship down a narrow corridor filled with walls comprised of 9 blocks, one of which is always missing.  You have to fly through the hole lest you be blown to smithereens.

The only real noteworthy thing is that this is one of maybe 5 games on this list to actually have made me laugh out loud.  There's something absolutely hilarious about the way your ship just sorta disintegrates when it hits a wall.  This game is the definition of a time-waster.  It's the kind of game you play while listening to a podcast or something.

And I couldn't get Wyrm to work, so...yeah.  I guess this is where the review ends.

Dubstep Noises:

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