Saturday, November 23, 2013

Vinnie's Little Virus

Remember before when I said that a review could potentially boil down to 2 sentences?  Well, get ready for the most underwhelming review of all time, because I genuinely have nothing to say about this one.

It's a shoot-em-up wherein you play as a virus with the goal to infect humanity.  It's got ASCII graphics, which are charming even during the atrociously ugly cutscenes that make the ones in Crazy Cross look like they had a million dollar budget...and the ones in Crazy Cross were pretty damn bad.

So the central mechanics are simple enough.  shoot enemies, collect powerups.  Left and right clicks respectively.  Is it fun?  Well kinda, in the Minesweeper way in that it staves off boredom, but it's certainly not engaging or entertaining or any of the other "e" words a game should strive to be.

I think the devs new they had just made a thing to alt+tab into while you're watching cat videos on Youtube or something, which is why they added the option to automatically beat a level by pressing "m," which I found out before I even learned how to shoot.

So yeah.  It's a tiny file with a charming look, so if you get tired of Mahjong Titans and want something a bit more "gamey," then pick this one up.

That's all I got for now.  Until next time, stay viral


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