Thursday, October 17, 2013


Boy oh boy...I can't tell if I'm just in a rut lately or if this particular section of the game gallery is just completely insubstantial, but I am really running out of things to say.  One of the easiest ways to get me to clam up and say nothing is to have me talk about something very simplistic.  That's not to say simplicity is a bad thing.  TEK was very simple in its design, but it still left a bigger impression on me than most of the games on the list.  Telurica, however, is the most simple game I've ever played in every sense of the word.  And yes, that includes non-DigiPen games, so yes, that includes Sumotori...

There are only 2 things you can do in Telurica, both of which are displayed for you at the beginning of each game:  "Absorb! Destroy!" The game says, without cluing you in as to what exactly it means.  Granted, I appreciate how the game used text to convey its mechanics, yet still let you figure them out for your own.  The menu screen says "click to play," so you've already associated clicking with the action that makes things happen, so your first instinct is to click in order to absorb and destroy.  Lo and behold, that's how you do it.
I'm tempted to say that there's no strategy with Telurica, but since I've come in dead last for every round I've played, it's probably more likely that I just haven't figured out the strategy yet.  I'm not sure what else I can try, though.  I know the principle mechanics, you bulldoze trees to increase your score multiplier and you vacuum their leaves to get points.  Easy.  The problem is that you can only see half of the map at any given time, and your character moves so slow that by the time you've cleared out one hemisphere, your opponents have already gotten busy racking up points in the next.

The most notable thing about Telurica really is its simplicity.  Again, that's not a bad thing.  It'll certainly keep you entertained for 5 minutes or so, so download it if you're bored.  It's only 7MB, after all...That's all I got for now.  Until next time, stay simple.

Do the Thing:

PS- I could've sworn I posted this yesterday...

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