Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Something tells me this title either took waaaay too long to think of or just popped into the heads of one of the developers while they were on the can...but I digress.

This is the kind of game that makes me want to neglect playing and reviewing DigiPen games as a whole in favor of wrecking shop in Saints Row 2.  There's virtually nothing to talk about that I haven't said a million times before, so this review is inevitably going to end up being about as large and imposing as a shrew in a sinkhole.

I'll say this much: this game has possibly the worst conveyance of any game on this list I've played.  What should have taken 0.0000001 seconds ended up taking like 3 minutes because the developers thought it was essential to crowbar in some incredibly basic...things which I refuse to call humor before it let me play.  The text boxes fade in and out in no hurry at all, and by the time you actually start playing, you're already insanely frustrated by what you just had to sit through, so you're probably going to end up just running straight through the not-very-thoughtfully-designed levels with no inclination to keep how I felt during races when I was on the track team.

If I had to compliment the game on one thing, it would have to be the character design, which conveys enough about out character to make him relatable (without the help of those accursed text boxes) while also making him slightly lovable...of course, this is vastly overshadowed by the crap factor.

Then the game crashed, which was my excuse to stop playing fo' good.  So yeah, that's all I got for now.  Until next time, stay evil.

Gotta love portmanteaus:

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