Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Operation: Chicken

I really don't have much to say about this one.  It's just another 2.5D platformer, really.

The game starts with a coloring-book style series of drawings featuring a cat stealing eggs from some very Angry Birds (hmm...did I mean to italicize that?).  After that, you've got to navigate through a platform-riddled world, moving down every last chicken in your path.

Visual style is nice.  There are (barely) enough polygons to keep graphics-centric players reasonably quiet, but I have to say that there are way, way too many shadows.  It's almost as if the designers didn't want to show off their work, so they just hid it behind a thick wall of shadow.

The game handles decently, but I got to say, it's unbelievably floaty (hmm...a platformer starring an orange cat with annoyingly floaty controls...that sounds familiar)...
Dun Dun Dunnnnnn

Seriously, though, this game's only saving grace is its Contra-esque focus on killing everything in your path.  Like in Contra (and, ironically Bubsy), you die in one hit.  This worked reasonably well in Contra and, you know what?  It actually works decently here, too.  The only problem is that enemies and their projectiles are impossible to see all the time.  For instance, I once jumped off a platform and right into a sea of enemies that turned the entire floor into a dead zone.  Because of things like that, this game is no stranger to the cheap death.  That's what really held it back in my opinion.

That's all I got for now.  Until next time, stay bubsalicious


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