Monday, May 27, 2013

Last Dessert

Sorry to disappoint, but I don't have much to say about this one.  Here's the thing: I like it...I like it a lot, but I know I probably shouldn't.

I'm an RPG fan, that's no secret.  Maybe that's why I don't really care that literally every single fight in the game (including the final boss) can be beaten by mashing the attack command.  Granted, I played on medium difficulty, so maybe things would be different on the hard setting.

I don't know, something about this game just oozes charm.  One of the overworlds is shaped like a sunny-side-up egg, the characters are all cute and lovable, and the whole thing is just a joy to play.  Hell, I even like the fact that the fights come and go super quickly.  It makes grinding bearable.

Yes, this game is flawed, so I can't give it my seal of approval, but just know that I had a blast playing it.  It's a very short RPG, so if you have half an hour to spare and like RPGs, I'd suggest plowing through it.

That's all I got for now.  Until next time, stay scrumptious.

Great, now I'm hungry:

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