Sunday, April 14, 2013


GeoWarfare advertises itself as an "RTS without the resource management."  This resource management has ruined many a game before it, but that's due to poor implementation.  I don't think resource management is, in and of itself, a problem, so removing it entirely might not be the majestic epiphany the RTS genre needs.  Still though, the way it advertises itself denotes that it thinks of itself as very different, and I'm all about different.  Let's see what it has in store.

Well, after playing with it for as long as it took to get me more bored than I was just sitting in a cafeteria waiting for my friends to get knocked out of a debate tournament one by one, I can make one definite conclusion...there's definitely no resource management.

Maybe I just don't understand how to play games like this, but I'm with Yahtzee on this one.  sending hoards of my men to get slaughtered by equally numbered, equally armed, yet somehow infinitely more able to cut through troops then my guys just doesn't appeal to me.

GeoWarfare is probably the most simple an RTS can get and it's still too complex for me.  Personally, I think this genre doesn't really deserve its moniker.  I get the whole "real time" thing, but where does the strategy come in?  Personally, every day I find more and more evidence for the theory that RTS games were just conceived for the purpose of attracting boring, self-proclaimed intellectuals who view the video gaming artform as the human equivalent of throwing poo at a wall and giggling.  Thus, they were given a genre just as banal as themselves, with the title of "strategy game" to make them feel smart, which is what they thrive on.  That title is doubly insulting because it implies that other games, even noble shooting galleries like Starfox 64,  don't require strategy.

Perhaps I'm being too close-minded about the RTS, but honestly the only fun I've ever had with RTS elements is when I was playing Starfox 2, and that game wasn't even released.  I had to play on an emulator.

Recently, I've attempted to inflate my own ego by looking at by viewership statistics, and it appears my meager blog has reached more than just my few close friends and the occasional DigiPen student.  I've still got an audience small enough to make the world's biggest hipster squeal with glee, but I'd wager at least one guy out there likes RTS games.  By all means, explain why.  I've always held to the notion that there is beauty in every genre, but I'm having a rough time applying that notion to the RTS.

Well, there's my rant for today.  Until next time, stay strategic.

more splodey cubes:
Yahtzee's feelings on RTS games:

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