Hey look, a real review! Given the abnormally large work:time ratio I have tonight, I was tempted to save this for tomorrow, but hey, a guy's gotta procrastinate somehow...
Eskimo Joe is a run-of-the mill 2D sidescroller. As far as I could tell there were really only 2 things about it that made it unique/are worth talking about. One is good, one is bad. I guess it's a good day to be a reviewer.
Let's start with the good, just because I don't have much to say about it: the overall style. It goes for a kind of South Park-esque paper figures art style, which gives the game a fair amount of charm. The music is fitting and pleasing, the design is thoughtful, always exploring new ways to utilize the same mechanics, and the game feel is fine except for one thing...
Which brings us to the bad: the hit detection. God the hit detection is awful in this game. I've gone on record saying, when in doubt, one should make the hitboxes larger rather than smaller. I suppose I forgot to mention that this only applies to things that don't kill you. The hitboxes in this game are all huge all the time. Yes, this may come in handy when jumping on platforms, but there's nothing quite as irritating as jumping in the vicinity of a spikey death trap and being sent back to the nearest checkpoint. Of course it doesn't help that the spike-death sound effect is obnoxiously loud. This aspect of the game kind of reminds me of A Flipping Good Time, and ain't that just a blast from the past.
That's all I got for now. Until next time, stay slippery
PROINK: https://www.digipen.edu/?id=1170&proj=24640
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