Sunday, February 3, 2013

Body O' Bob

Alright, I want to make up for lost time, so the next few reviews are going to be pretty short.  That said, let's jump right in to Body o Bob

very simple game, this one.  All you do is use the mouse to fly all around collecting vitamins and avoiding viruses.

Really the only noteworthy thing to talk about here is the control.  It's way too floaty.  I get that they were trying to mimic the feel of actually swimming through someone's digestive system, but the hitboxes are...generous, to say the least, and three hits can usually mean death.  Sometimes it happens that I am flying around, collecting collectibles, and suddenly I see a germ approach from the far side of the screen.  I immediately turn around, but I've built up so much inertia by this point that I careen into the germ and lose a life anyway.

On top of that, the spaces in which you're expected to maneuver can just be cruel at times.  I've touched upon this before, but I think now is a good time to bring up the fine line between challenging and frustrating.  Games like Blockhead or Arc Angle are challenging.  They really test your skills and are designed in such a way that you feel like everything that happens is your own fault.  Kill an enemy?  Good.  You deserved it.  Got killed by an enemy?  Good.  You deserved it.  Body O' Bob is frustrating because it doesn't feel warranted when you die.  The sloppy controls and sporadic enemy movement make it feel like the game is being played by some vengeful puppeteer god and not you.

For this reason, I can't recommend Body O' Bob.  Honestly, I can't even say I like the concept very much.  There's nothing that sets this apart from any other game on this list and there are certainly things that draw it toward the lower tiers.  It's not straight up dysfunctional like some other games (*cough* A series of Tubes *cough*) but its still just, in my humblest of opinions, not an exceptionally well designed game.

I appreciate what they were trying to do with this game, but I still say give it a miss.

Gastrointestinal adventures:

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