Thursday, January 3, 2013


*disgruntled groan*

This game...has no gameplay.  It simply has no gameplay.  It's impossible to die, there are literally no sound effects, the music stops after about 30 seconds of play, and the HUD makes no sense.  Not even the graphics are passable.  The enemy is just a green, polygonal ape with no features whatsoever.  The fighting polygons form Super Smash Bros were more detailed.  In fairness, the background is almost impressive given the five-person team that created this game.  But then I consider that three of those five were artists and a slightly impressive, moving, 3D background starts to lose its charm.

Technically, this game is a bullet hell shooter, but that would imply that there is some kind of danger or challenge to be conquered.  As I mentioned before, however, it's impossible to die.  Literally impossible.  You can just stroll right up to the enemy and hold "fire" until you win.  A more accurate term would be bullet-purgatory.  As far as I can tell, all the modes are the same game.

If you'll permit brief rudeness, the only button worth pressing in this game is "esc" which closes the game instantly without so much as a "quit game?" screen.

That's all for now, folks.  I have to go study physics (an ostensibly alien term to the team behind Aether).

the creation that I hesitate to call a game:

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